Chang you Yu

Look at me I have hipster design

Kick ass image of a website design for an education software.

What is two thirds stack development you ask? It’s not only the front-end implementation, but also the design itself. However, my friends tell me designing isn’t real work so maybe I’m only a front-end dev


(for style)

Fun facts about me:

Here are some cool facts and knowledge about me.

I can type in the Dvorak keyboard layout. I don't use it though as shortcuts are a pain.

2d icon of a keyboard

I don't like ketchup. Fries should taste good plain.

2d icon of a ketchup bottle with a red x on it

My favorite music genre is classic rock. I’m a huge fan of The Beatles in particular.

Text saying The Beatles

Previous Projects

Screenshot of the Konserva landing page


Screenshot of the Qued landing page


Picture of a cartoon zombie drawn in a pixel art style

Codoom Zombies